The _g_r_e_l_n_o_t_e_s program contains the following action routines.
SSSSttttaaaarrrrttttSSSSeeeelllleeeecccctttt(((()))) Begin a text selection.
DDDDrrrraaaaggggSSSSeeeelllleeeecccctttt(((()))) Drag the text selection.
CCCCoooommmmpppplllleeeetttteeeeSSSSeeeelllleeeecccctttt(((()))) Complete a text selection.
NNNNeeeexxxxttttTTTTaaaabbbbGGGGrrrroooouuuupppp(((()))) Move to next tab group.
PPPPrrrreeeevvvvTTTTaaaabbbbGGGGrrrroooouuuupppp(((()))) Move to previous tab group.
FFFFiiiirrrrssssttttPPPPaaaaggggeeee(((()))) Scroll text to first page.
LLLLaaaassssttttPPPPaaaaggggeeee(((()))) Scroll text to last page.
LLLLiiiinnnneeeeUUUUpppp(((()))) Scroll text one line down so that the next line up is
LLLLiiiinnnneeeeDDDDoooowwwwnnnn(((()))) Scroll text one line up so that the next line down is
PPPPaaaaggggeeeeUUUUpppp(((()))) Scroll text one page down so that the next page up is
PPPPaaaaggggeeeeDDDDoooowwwwnnnn(((()))) Scroll text one page up so that the next page down is
The _g_r_e_l_n_o_t_e_s program displays pre-formatted release notes. The format
assumes the use of a fixed-width font for all text styles. In addition,
the format assumes that normal, underline, bold and bold-underline fonts
all have the same character width. The default fonts for the nnnnoooorrrrmmmmaaaallllFFFFoooonnnntttt,
uuuunnnnddddeeeerrrrlllliiiinnnneeeeFFFFoooonnnntttt, bbbboooollllddddFFFFoooonnnntttt and bbbboooollllddddUUUUnnnnddddeeeerrrrFFFFoooonnnntttt resources have been chosen to
adhere to these assumptions. If new fonts are to be specified for any of
these resources, the above assumptions should be observed or columnar